Thames Valley hospice now open on Sundays in Wokingham

Thames Valley Hospice has announced a new initiative to extend its services by opening its charity shop in Peach Street, Wokingham, on Sundays. This move aims to provide more opportunities for the community to support a noble cause while also offering fantastic bargains to shoppers.

The decision to open on Sundays reflects a commitment to better serve the community and raise vital funds for Thames Valley Hospice. By expanding their operating hours, the charity shop hopes to attract more customers and increase donations, ultimately benefiting those in need.

Located in the heart of Wokingham Town, the Thames Valley Hospice charity shop has long been a beloved fixture in the community. Now, with Sunday trading added to their schedule, locals and visitors alike have an additional day to browse through its treasures and contribute to a worthy cause.

“It’s always heartwarming to see businesses and organizations expanding their services to better serve their customers and raise funds for important causes,” remarked a resident of Wokingham. “I hope the Sunday trading proves to be successful for the charity shop!”

The extension of operating hours to Sundays represents a significant step forward for Thames Valley Hospice and underscores their dedication to supporting individuals and families facing life-limiting illnesses. With the continued support of the community, the charity shop looks forward to making a positive impact and providing vital care and support to those in need.

If you’re in Wokingham on a Sunday, why not pop into the Thames Valley Hospice charity shop on Peach Street? You might just find a hidden gem while supporting a wonderful cause.



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