Bespoke homes making progress at Gorse Ride

A family set to move into a bespoke property at Gorse Ride in Finchampstead have laid a brick to mark the progress of the construction of their new home.

The Gorse Ride regeneration is one of Wokingham Borough’s flagship housing projects which will see 249 new modern homes built on site, the majority of which will be affordable homes to meet growing, local demand.

Four properties have been designed to accommodate the specific needs of people moving into the regenerated new homes including two three-bedroom bungalows, a one-bedroom apartment and a three-bedroom house.

The properties are fully wheelchair accessible, have height-adjustable kitchen worktops, level access shower facilities and can have hoists fitted if needed. The family visited their new home to view at first hand progress being made.

As well as the accessible features that all the properties have, their home will also have a through floor lift and a good amount of space for storing their daughter Daisy’s equipment. They are set to move in towards the end of 2024.



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