Disappointment over Budget. Interview with Lib Dems Wendy Chamberlain MP and Parliamentary Candidate Clive Jones

In an exclusive interview with My Wokingham, Wendy Chamberlain MP and Parliamentary Candidate Clive Jones shared their thoughts on today’s budget, expressing a collective sense of disappointment.

Chamberlain remarked on the government’s failure to present a bold fiscal plan, characterising the budget as falling short of expectations. While acknowledging that some anticipated measures were implemented, Chamberlain criticised the repeated National Insurance cut, which had previously proven ineffective when introduced in November. The freezing of income tax thresholds, Chamberlain argued, would render the National Insurance cuts inconsequential for many individuals.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CERvpo1U0X4[/embedyt]

Jones echoed Chamberlain’s sentiments, emphasising that citizens wouldn’t perceive an improvement in their financial situations, especially with the backdrop of a staggering 30% food inflation. Despite the government’s claims of meeting inflationary targets, both interviewees contended that the budget fails to address public demands for increased investment in crucial services, notably the National Health Service (NHS).

The interview concluded with a call for a general election and a change of government, underscoring the belief that such a shift is necessary to fulfill the public’s expectations.

Furthermore, the interviewee duo criticised the budget’s failure to deliver on the promised new Royal Berkshire Hospital. Initially pledged in 2019 as one of the 21 hospitals to be built by October of that year, the project’s timeline has since been delayed, with construction now slated to commence in 2030 and conclude in 2030. Jones expressed concern over the working conditions in some areas of the Royal Berkshire Hospital, deeming them unacceptable for both staff and patients. The interviewees collectively labeled the situation as appalling, shedding light on the urgent need for decisive action in healthcare infrastructure.

This is first part of the interview more to come!

Wendy Chamberlain

Wendy Chamberlain is the Liberal Democrat MP for North East Fife, and has been an MP continually since 12 December 2019. She currently undertakes the roles of Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Work and Pensions), and Liberal Democrat Chief Whip. More here 

Clive Jones

Clive Jones is a parliamentary candidate for Wokingham more here


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